Wednesday, July 10, 2013

P r o t e i n B u z z


Bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, people fighting disease, and just the average Joe all require protein daily for normal body function. Proteins are composed of amino acids whether they come from a powder or a whole food, and once they are in the body, the body will utilize them the same way. The nutritional benefits of protein are essential for life, growth and repair. The recommended daily allowance of protein for adults is 0.8 to 1.7g per kg of body weight, depending on activity level., and fitness goal. (For example 100 lbs + 1g = 100g of protein).


The two main types of protein are complete protein and incomplete protein. Complete proteins come from animal products and contain all essential amino acids. Incomplete proteins are low in certain essential amino acids and come from non-animal products.


Complete proteins include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and milk products.                                      

Incomplete proteins include vegetables, legumes, tofu, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits.


Often misused and over consumed  protein supplements are beneficial in cases where eating meat is not an option. Protein shakes are a viable alternative because they come proportioned in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Most protein shakes or powders are comprised of whey protein. 

Whey protein is the protein left over when all other components of milk have been removed. It is a complete protein that is easily digestible with a BV of 100 percent. Use protein supplements, like whey, for dietary supplementation and not for meal replacement.

If you go by science, about 30 percent of your calories should come from protein. At that level, you won’t have to worry about deficiencies, and you’ll know you’re getting enough of the nutrient to lose fat while also improving your heart health. Have some protein at each of your meals and snacks, and you’ll hit the target with ease.

Feel The Burn

The components of food—protein, carbohydrates, and fats —require different amounts of energy to digest and process, just as different types and intensities of exercise burn more or fewer calories. Scientists call this metabolic cost the thermic effect of food (TEF). 
Protein has a much higher TEF than carbs or fat.  Simply eating more protein means your body is burning more calories during the process of digestion. In some cases, doubling your protein intake will bump up the number of calories you burn throughout the day. That’s one reason why protein, all by itself, helps you lose weight.

So eat up that protein and lose weight faster!!
<3 Kelsey

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red, White & Blue Desserts

4th of July Healthy Dessert:

Fruit Pizza
sugar cookie dough
cool whip
kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, banana, raspberries, blackberries
(red & blue fruits will be best)

Pre-heat oven for 350 degrees 
spread the cookie dough out on a pizza pan
bake for 12-15 min.
once cool- add the cool whip & arrange fruit creatively.
(you can also make mini pizzas or cookies)


Yogurt Parfait
glass cup
yogurt of your choice (I like Non-Fat Greek Yogurt)
Strawberries & Blueberries
 granola, honey & coconut shreds (optional)

layer yogurt and berries in a red, white & blue pattern
top with granola & honey & coconut shreds (optional)


Jello Fire Crackers
shot glasses or short glasses
3 bowls
Jell-o flavors Sugar Free: cherry & berry 
Jell-o unflavored Gelatin
vanilla extract
cocktail cherries with stems 

mix in 1st bowl cherry Jell-o + 2/3 c boiling water-let sit
mix in 2nd bowl berry Jell-o  + 2/3 c boiling water-let sit
mix in 3rd bowl unflavored gelatin + 1/4 c milk 
in a sauce pan boil 3/4 c milk + 3 Tbsp splenda = 1/2 teaspn vanilla extract
pour the white jello mixture into the sauce pan and stir once dissolved turn off heat and let cool
using a Tablespoon layer each shot glass with the blue mixture (it should be the consistency of syrup)
next, layer the white jello mixture + a cherry  (let cherry  standout of the white layer)
next add the red layer which should cover the cherry (so just the stem is showing)
refrigerate until time to serve, you can enjoy in the glass or using a metal spatula carefully slide it out of the glass on to a serving platter, and serve.


happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Glamour Lashes: How to


Lashes sometimes can be the icing on the cake for most make up looks, but they can be difficult and very frustrating to apply.
Here are 10 easy steps to achieve the perfect glamour lashes:

What you will need:
  • Duo Glue (black or clear) I prefer clear: you can find this at MAC, CVS, ULTA or Sephora
  • scissors
  • tweezers
  • eye lash curler (opt)
  • quality false lashes- Ardell are great & inexpensive from CVS, but my favorite are the #7's by MAC
  • liquid or gel liner with liner brush

1. Always apply face makeup first! Lashes will be last.

2. Apply eye shadow next and a thin line of liner across the top lashes ( this way when you apply the lash strip there will be no gaps.)

3. Take 1 lash strip and measure it to your lash line. If you need to cut them to make the strip shorter, cut the side that will sit on the outside of your eye, closest to your temple) repeat for the other eye.

4. Next, dab some glue on the corner of the eyelash case, or I like to use the back of my hand.

5. Now take the back of your liner brush (or you can use a bobby pin) and dip the end in the glue.

6. Pick up the one lash strip and glide the glue over the strip from one end to the other. Let sit for about 20 seconds or until tacky.

7. Using one hand and the tweezers, pick up the lash strip, holding  the longest lash side between your index finger and thumb & the inner eye side with the tweezers, carefully place the lash strip along your eyelash line, closest to your lashes as possible so there are no gaps.

8. Now, use the tweezers to pull the lash strip into place if needed.

9. Wait until the glue dries clear (about 1 minute) and draw a line of the gel liner or liquid liner across the lash line helping to blend the lash strip with your lash line. This is when you could create a cat eye.

10. Last but not least, apply mascara. this will help your real lashes to mesh with the fake creating the dramatic bold eyelash look!!

& WAAAaalaaaaaaaaa!!! beautiful lashes :)

<3 Kelsey

Monday, July 1, 2013

Weight Lifting Myths


I hope today's blog will get you thinking differently about why you should be lifting weights over cardio, yoga, and boot camps. 

Sure, Yoga is great for stress, back injuries, and flexibility, but you will not lose fat!
Boot Camps might help you lose weight, but soon you will plateau, and not see the results you deserve  for the amount of work you put in.
Lastly, cardio. Of course you will lose weight, but you will also lose muscle. Doing long amounts of cardio, your body will tap into your muscle source and burn your muscle for fuel rather than fat. This is why most runners are so lean and thin. Running is also very strenuous on your joints and knees.

Now, I am NOT saying DO NOT do Yoga, or Boot Camps, or STOP Running. I am just simply trying to open your mind to understand how weight lifting can help you lose FAT, and tone up, and feel better about your body, and help you reach your fitness goals faster.
  • lifting weights will help you lose weight!!
  • build lean muscle!!
  • look tighter!!
  • fell better!!
The biggest misconception about strength training is females think they will become bulky and big.
Sure, when you think of weight lifters you think of body builders, or crossfit competitors... Big & Bulky?
  1. Body Builders & Crossfit competitors live there lives to build muscle. They are not your average person.
  2. Most of them use performance enhancing drugs to get bigger muscles.
  3. These people have been lifting for years 4-5 hours a day in the gym.
Yes, when you lift weights, you build muscle. Yes, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. Yes,  the more calories you burn the less you weigh!  Now, you might say "If I lift weights my muscle will get bigger and I will appear bigger and bulky"- THIS IS A MYTH!!!

-Muscle weighs more then fat.
FALSE: What weighs more: 10 lbs of steel or 10 lbs of feathers?
well, they both weigh the same. 10 lbs is 10 lbs, Muscle however is more dense than fat, so fat occupies more space in your body then muscle. For example, if you were to take 10 lbs of fat and roll into a ball it would be the size of a bowling ball vs 10 lbs of muscle would be the size of a baseball. Also, fat is soft where muscle is firm. 

-Scales are a good way to measure fat loss.
FALSE: Actually, scales or the worst indicators of fat loss. It will tell you that you lost weight, but  if you lost 10 lbs of fat and gained 10 lbs of muscle you would weigh the same. However, your favorite jeans will tell the difference. So do yourself a favor, put the scale in your garage & start measuring yourself once a month with a measuring tape. Measure your neck, bust, bicep, waist, hips, & thigh instead of weighing yourself EVERYDAY and freaking out over 0.6 lbs.

-Cardio & Boot Camps build muscle.
FALSE: Running and boot camps do not build muscle. You will lose weight, and you might see a little change in your muscle appearance but, you will plateau and you will not see the weight loss you feel deserved from all the hard work. 

-Females should lift heavier weights at a lower repetition vs lighter weight at higher repetition.
TRUE: lifting lighter weights at a higher repetition you are not using your muscles to there fullest potential. 
Your are not having them work hard enough to see a significant result. Lifting Heavy weights at lower repetition you will fatigue the muscle quickly and build lean muscle faster, and burn more calories. You should lift as heavy as possible for 10-12 reps. Once you cant do that increase your weight (this can take a few weeks) YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY and remember to always consume lean protein up to 90 minutes after your work outs for muscle recovery. 

So you might be thinking "how is it that males get  big and bulky from lifting, but females will not?"
Well, its because females do NOT have enough male hormone- testosterone to get big and bulky muscles. Its impossible even if you tried to get big and bulky. So lift heavy and do fewer reps!
Over all you should have a balance between weight lifting, cardio and a healthy diet to maximize your results!!

 Feel free to email me
<3 Kesley