Wednesday, July 10, 2013

P r o t e i n B u z z


Bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, people fighting disease, and just the average Joe all require protein daily for normal body function. Proteins are composed of amino acids whether they come from a powder or a whole food, and once they are in the body, the body will utilize them the same way. The nutritional benefits of protein are essential for life, growth and repair. The recommended daily allowance of protein for adults is 0.8 to 1.7g per kg of body weight, depending on activity level., and fitness goal. (For example 100 lbs + 1g = 100g of protein).


The two main types of protein are complete protein and incomplete protein. Complete proteins come from animal products and contain all essential amino acids. Incomplete proteins are low in certain essential amino acids and come from non-animal products.


Complete proteins include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and milk products.                                      

Incomplete proteins include vegetables, legumes, tofu, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits.


Often misused and over consumed  protein supplements are beneficial in cases where eating meat is not an option. Protein shakes are a viable alternative because they come proportioned in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Most protein shakes or powders are comprised of whey protein. 

Whey protein is the protein left over when all other components of milk have been removed. It is a complete protein that is easily digestible with a BV of 100 percent. Use protein supplements, like whey, for dietary supplementation and not for meal replacement.

If you go by science, about 30 percent of your calories should come from protein. At that level, you won’t have to worry about deficiencies, and you’ll know you’re getting enough of the nutrient to lose fat while also improving your heart health. Have some protein at each of your meals and snacks, and you’ll hit the target with ease.

Feel The Burn

The components of food—protein, carbohydrates, and fats —require different amounts of energy to digest and process, just as different types and intensities of exercise burn more or fewer calories. Scientists call this metabolic cost the thermic effect of food (TEF). 
Protein has a much higher TEF than carbs or fat.  Simply eating more protein means your body is burning more calories during the process of digestion. In some cases, doubling your protein intake will bump up the number of calories you burn throughout the day. That’s one reason why protein, all by itself, helps you lose weight.

So eat up that protein and lose weight faster!!
<3 Kelsey

1 comment:

  1. love this <3 Keeps the posts coming I like getting edumacated xoxo
